Island of Kaua‘i
- General Data: USGS Hawai'i
Clearinghouse: Kauai Data
- the size of the island is around 45*35km, not as large as the big island,
thereby making possible much higher resolution: 5.5*4.3m using an 8K*8K grid
- very popular tourism region, well-shaped (squarish)
- a single LandSat scene contains the whole island, making good imagery cheaper
and more likely, but Kaua‘i has the worst cloud coverage problems of the whole
island chain
- Kauaian Institute
- "maintains an extensive geographic information system (GIS) for mapping
the physical, economic, and ecological features of the island with client-tailored
themes, 3D images, and virtual reality programs"
- run by Ken Ka‘imi Stokes who lives on the island
- as of 2000, he had done some work on Kaua‘i ahupua‘a boundaries, but
did not have a GIS tool other than ArcExplorer, is this still the case?
- contact: Sam at the Nature Conservancy
- may be working on a vegetation layer

- old aerials exist: greyscale OrthoQuads
from 1977-1978
- i looked at a large number of LandSat7 thumbnails, but they all had serious
cloud coverage, then i discovered:
- Stephen
Stetson did a good job of producing a ~30m image from LandSat, with some
other images composited to fill in cloudy area
- 2048*2048 image size
- he has very generously offered VTP permission to freely distribute the image,
which is now in the Repository
- 2012: PLOTS has
georegistered balloon aerials of
Kukuiula, Koloa, Kauai
- 2000.02: ordered from the USGS and received 10m DEMs for the island (UTM,
zone 4, NAD83)
- 2000.02.26: used VTBuilder
to extract a BT file at UTM (418205.4, 2418097.5), (51739.7, 41208.5)
- DEM problem! the elevation data in the USGS DEM for the "Waimea Canyon"
quad is offset by approximately (-285, 196) meters, which results in "cliff"
feature where it doesn't match the 4 surrounding DEMs
- VTBuilder can be used to
shift the extents to their correct location, but that leaves a wide gap on the
north and west sides, i don't know how to solve this
- new hope:
10-meter DEMs from don't seem to have the problem!
- they are also UTM, zone 4, NAD83
- was able to extract a good 4k*4k BT file
- InteleSense is a NASA spinoff
company making wireless environmental sensors which can be deployed
remotely. The initial development and testing of their technology was
done in an extremely rugged and biologically rich region of North Kauai.
The resulting information stream is visualized in their 3D viewer,
which is a flavor of NASA WorldWind.