Water Textures
- 3dcafe sells a
Water Textures
CDROM with video footage of water for $300
- i searched around a bit on the web (e.g.
3dcafe and
yahoo) for free tiling water textures - there weren't many
- ABTA has a page of so-so
Water Textures
- the following are shown as thumbnails, click for actual texture..
one i made
myself (256*256 BMP)
a higher-frequency
version of the above texture (256*256 BMP)
a public domain website (96*96 JPG)
small-area water
(256*256 BMP)
larger sample (512*512 JPG)
this one was included in a freely distributed demo CD from
Terrex (128*128 RGB)
sure where this one came from, but it's nice (256*256 BMP)