VTP Development Log, 2004
- vtlib: use more of our own enumerations to avoid unnecessary dependency
on OpenGL
<released 041220>
- change to always look on ../GDAL-data, ../PROJ4-data for data files, in
case the user hasn't set their environment variables on Win32
- vtlib: made vtNode child of protected osg::Referenced, based on RJ's
recommendation to make it clear that refcounting is internal
- vtlib: fixed some CacheHintOptions usage to make gcc happy
- vtdata: improved VF write to omit unused species
- vtdata: improved VF read to be more verbose about unknown species
- Enviro/vtlib: added support for Stone as a surface type
VTBuilder/vtdata: added support for Stone as a surface type
- vtdata: added vtPlantInstanceArray::InstancesOfSpecies
- VTBuilder: added Remapping of species in VF layers
- VTBuilder: improved layer properties for VF layers
- upgraded all projects to newer libraries: OSG 0.9.8-2, GDAL 1.2.5,
PROJ.4 4.4.9, libpng 1.2.8, zlib 1.2.2
- vtlib: chg SRTerrain to use new adaptive detail algorithm: exponential
response, with damping that detects hysteresis
- VTBuilder: fixed display of field names in Raw layer properties
- received fltkSimple from Clark Borst; created VC7 files for it, added it
to CVS
- updated POX files for Spanish and Chinese
- VTBuilder: enable multiple selection in Import file dialog
- VTBuilder and BExtractor: fixed support for TIF images with blocksize
smaller than scanline
- Enviro: added i18n for Spanish (es)
(04.11.11-22 Ben on vacation; no coding or checkins)
- Enviro/vtlib: added save/load of animation paths to new .vtap format
- VTBuilder: fixed to recompute height extents after carving roads into
elevation grid
- Enviro: fix to treat road height above terrain as float, not int
- VTBuilder: improved DXF reader to support Cancel, improved TIN import of
DXF to reject files without 3DFace entities
- VTBuilder: added import of Raw layers from DXF (for polylines)
- Enviro: support 2D geometry for abstract features
- vtui: fix to handling of UTF8 in the non-Unicode build
- Enviro: support DXF polylines in Abstract layers and in Locations dialog
Animation paths (and IGC files in the same places)
- vtdata: fixed IGC reader to handle Euro locales
- vtlib: fixed spline draping on Terrains to ignore redundant points and
calculate estimate tesselation based on world, not earth coordinates
- Enviro: in Anim Path dialog, fixed speed controls to be smoothly
responsive regardless of path length
- sdlSimple: improved to handle key modifiers on mouse events
- Enviro: added terrain parameter for structure shadow darkness (0..1)
- Processed new sv Enviro.pox
- Enviro: fixed TextFieldIndex in Style dialog
- VTBuilder: fixed i18n to look for the correct .mo file
- (confirmed zjf's wxString patch for wxWindows 2.4.2, which makes Chinese
i18n work for both Enviro and VTBuilder!)
- Enviro: added i18n for Italian (it)
- VTBuilder: fixed Road Import to ignore null features in SHP files
- VTBuilder: improved Node dialog to use its own ScaledView
<released 041105>
- Enviro/vtlib: fixed problems with text color, by turning off shading on
the Geode that contains the Text - a side benefit is that the alpha blending
problems seen with text seem to go away
- Enviro: added support for an overlay image as a terrain parameter
- VTBuilder/vtdata: fixed handling of projection parameters when reading
rare AEA-projected .dem files
- VTBuilder: fixed bug with display of XY coordinate of 2D point layers
- VTBuilder: added Layer: Import Point Data From Table
- vtlib: changed Engines to be a tree, not a flat array
- vtlib: created vtHeightConstrain by extracting that part of all the
other navigation engines
- vtdata: fix CastRayToSurface to return correct point for straight-down
- Enviro: fix the multiple-mousemove code to avoid suppressing
non-mousemove events, which was causing some mouse up/down to get lost
- documentation updates
- Enviro: very preliminary support for Abstract layers
- vtdata: added GetTypeFromOGR() and GetFeatureGeomType()
- Enviro/vtdata: major architecture change to store both structures and
raw features as "layers" in TParams, with serialization to/from XML
- Enviro: re-arranged Terrain parameters dialog, moved fields to new
"Style" dialog
- vtdata: improved vtRoadMap3d::_GatherExtents to use links instead of
- Enviro, VTBuilder: added support for reading IGC files (GPS tracks from
gliders) including drawing them in 3D in Enviro
- vtlib: removed vtSprite, since equivalent functionality is now more
general using vtHUD, added vtImageSprite to make sprite-like objects even
easier with vtHUD
- vtlib: created vtHUD node to make HUD implementations easier
- vtlib: in PaintDib, create default colors if needed
- vtosg: much cleaner OSG containment, fewer refptrs, no CustomTransform
- sdlSimple: use fixed window size instead of using the highest available
video resolution
- vtlib: improved HUD code to allow pixel-absolute positioning
- Enviro: added View: Elevation Legend which uses the new HUD
functionality to show how colors are mapped (for terrain which uses "Derive
texture from elevation")
- all projects: made lots of small changes to reduce picky compiler
warnings which are reported by /Wall ("warnings: all")
- Enviro: cleaned up keyboard shortcuts
- Enviro: fixed state issues with Earth Flatten and Unfold
- checked in many small OSX diffs from PW, including making many more
destructors virtual
- Enviro: fixed 'Zoom To' for structure instances in Layers dialog,
improved 'Zoom To' in layer and scenegraph dialogs to consider vertical FOV
to place whole object in view
- vtlib: major change to reference counting, which fixes, cleans up and
simplifies vtosg (!)
- VTBuilder: fixed to ask for projection on projection-less Raw layers in
case of open as well as import
- VTBuilder: added a warning about unplanted plants after generation
- CManager: added simple Light dialog
- fixed some things in OSGExp to make it usable with the models in the VTP
- vtlib: renamed vtLight::SetColor to SetDiffuse, added SetDirection
- VTBuilder/vtdata: added ability to offset selected features only
- VTBuilder: added Raw export to ImageMap
- vtlib: changed vtTerrainScene to keep array, not linked-list, of
terrains (fixes order of terrains in Open Terrain dialog)
- vtdata: fixed top-value problem in ColorMap::GenerateColors
(floating-point roundoff..)
- vtdata: in FindAltitudeAtPoint, detect and handle points exactly on a
far edge
- vtlib: DynTerrain: sped up FindAltitudeAtPoint for the (usual) case w/o
a normal
- vtlib: removed excessive points generated in
- Enviro: fixed bug with deleting trees which had been moved
- Enviro: did a bit of cleanup on the old vehicle code, mostly to not
crash if the vehicles aren't found
- Enviro/vtlib: improved plant handling to postpone loading a plant
appearance until it's needed
- Enviro: added common name and language controls to plant dialog
- Enviro: moved global options to new Options dialog
- Enviro: plant dialog: added support for 'Only Available Species' filter
- vtdata: added support for multiple common names per species
- Enviro: in Terrain Manager, don't auto-expand datapaths
- VTBuilder: added 'Area Tool: Set to Layer Extents'
- Enviro/vtlib: lots more development on AnimPaths, added looping and
continuous mode, direct control slider, more
- cleaned up OnInitDialog usage through all the wx-based code
- vtui: AutoDialog: no longer force child classes to define OnInitDialog
- Enviro: expanded AnimPath dialog with new features (Record1, Loop..)
- VTBuilder: fixed RenderToBitmap to handle case of no ColorMap files on
the data path
- vtui: fixed issues with Close and Save buttons
- VTBuilder: updated messages on missing GDAL/PROJ.4 files
- added VTConvert to CVS and distro zips
- Enviro: added maximum size option for instance selection
- Enviro: found, fixed trouble with Euro locale and colormaps
- VTBuilder: in FeatureInfo dialog, widen colums a bit, try not to obscure
field names
- vtdata: when generating colors, avoid numeric trouble with flat terrain
- VTBuilder: added explicit import from NTF
- VTBuilder: added (limited) creation of new Elevation layers
- VTBuilder: fix to properly switch layer in FeatureInfo dialog on select
- Enviro/vtlib: If there is more than one plant appearance with the same
height, pick one of them at random
- Enviro: fixed display of latitude in status bar in terrain view
- VTBuilder: fixed a handful of memleaks in road import
<released 041001>
- migrated up to GDAL 1.2.3
- vtdata: call OSRCleanup to take advantage of new GDAL/OGR mem cleanup
- vtdata: added Locale check to SetUTMZone
- vtdata: fixes to support for Float data fields
- vtdata: added speed optimization to vtFeatureSetPolygon::FindPolygon
- vtdata: chg biotype/density to refer to species by pointer, rather than
index or common name
- VTBuilder: big improvements to DistribVegDlg, made biotype layer
- VTBuilder: fixes to FeatInfoDlg to handle case of no active feature set
- VTBuilder: fixed merging of vegetation layers
- VTBuilder: fixed locale issues with Vegetation layers
- VTBuilder: enabled optimization on Vegetation generation, resulting in a
significant speedup, tested at roughly 25x
- VTBuilder: fix to reset all vegetation on Project New
- vtdata: implemented spatial indexing of Polygon featuresets
- vtdata: fixed locale issues with floating-point fields in featuresets
- vtdata: fixed byte-swap length bug which caused crash on non-Intel
- vtdata: support cancel on BT load/save
- vtdata: added safety check to avoid crash when shading DIBs that are
much higher rez than their heightfield
- Enviro/vtlib: made selection of 3D structure instances easier, by
factoring in their bounding sphere radius (when it's available)
- VTBuilder/vtdata: enabled cancel on progress callback for many more
operations, including elevation grid import from most formats
- VTBuilder: fixed shading of GCS elevation layers
- VTBuilder: added display of scale in status bar
- VTBuilder: added zoom in/out with mouse wheel
- VTBuilder: added support for ARCZ when importing road layers from SHP
- VTBuilder: added command "View: Move Layer Up" to control draw order
- VTBuilder: fixed another locale sensitivity, with UTM zone
- Enviro: added optional Visible flag attribute to structure files in
- VTBuilder: ability to set Image layer extents
- vtlib: AnimPath: added speed control and position-only flag
- vtdata: added FMatrix3::MakeOrientation, PreMult, PostMult
- Enviro: began adding Animation Path capabilities to the Locations dialog
- checked in some OSX changes (mostly to fix warnings)
- VTBuilder: added Offset for image layers
- Enviro: fixed crash on 'e' in Terrain View
- vtlib: created AnimPath class and module
- VTBuilder/vtdata: fixed to recognize ESRI variations in WKT naming, like
D_ before datum, by using GDAL's method importFromESRI
- VTBuilder: made Projection dialog resizable
- VTBuilder: fixed problem reading certain formats (including DEM) with a
European locale (by added locale wrapping to vtElevLayer::ImportFromFile)
- vtdata: fixed Geonet.cpp to not cause trouble for non-ANSI developers
- VTBuilder: added tiling support to Planet export
04.09.09 <released binaries>
- VTBuilder: fixed shaded appearance of really large elevation layers
(vtdata: fixed vtHeightFieldGrid3d::ShadeQuick to handle subsamples)
- VTBuilder: fixed numerical roundoff issues with elevation grid sampling
(vtdata: fixed roundoff issues in vtElevationGrid::GetFilteredValue*)
- All apps: fixed problem with numeric dialog fields
- VTBuilder: added Cancel to progress dialog for Sampling Elevation, and
for Filling Gaps
- VTBuilder: increased speed of elevation resampling by roughly 2x
- VTBuilder/vtdata: fixed reprojection of elevation grids
- VTBuilder: fixed Planet export, hopefully for the last time
- VTBuilder: more work on Planet export
- VTBuilder: enabled locale/i18n support
- Enviro: found problem with certain UI fields not updating
vtui: fixed problem with AutoDialog::AddNumValidator
<released 040903>
- VTBuilder: implemented new Render dialog for generating a bitmap from an
elevation layer, either to a GeoTIFF/JPEG file or a new Image Layer, with
control of dimensions, shading and Color Map
- vtlib: improved MSVC project file to use precompiled headers more
wisely, decreased build time from 72 to 26 seconds!
- VTBuilder/vtdata: added export to 'ArcInfo ASCII Grid' elevation format
- VTBuilder: fixed small problem with text editing of spacing fields in
- xmlhelper: fixed handling of UTF-8 BOM signatures at start of stream
- VTBuilder/vtdata: added export to 'MSI Planet' elevation format
- Apps/vtdata: added UTF-8 support for plant species common names
- Enviro/vtlib: integrated Mark Baily's layer shadow toggle
- VTBuilder: fixed problem with non-square DEMs in the far north
- vtlib: changed the Contour code to always use true elevation, and use a
transform node instead to deal with exaggeration
- vtdata: added fix in ColorDibFromElevation to catch the top-most
- CManager: exposed .osg/.ive support
- VTBuilder: disabled meaningless display of ground distances, added
display of vertical offsets
- VTBuilder: began 18n work, produced a .pot file for people to begin
- Enviro: added another type of lat-lon crosshairs for Earth View, which
toggles with 'e'
- upgraded InnoSetup to 4.2.7, re-produced installers and they are now
significantly smaller
- vtdata: chg vtHeightFieldGrid3d::ShadeDibFromElevation to support
extreme shading values (>1) without over-darkening
- vtlib: simplified/fixed object caching and reloading, again
- vtlib: added Contours module (interfaces to QuikGrid library)
- xmlhelper: carefully get message before freeing parser on exception
- vtlib: added vtTerrain::SetTextureContours
- vtlib: migrated to libMini 5.02, vertical exaggeration is now
- vtlib: added Suppress_Surface option
- vtdata: added an optimized path through
vtElevationGrid::FindAltitudeAtPoint, and fixed altitude output of the
slower case
- Enviro: fixed problem with cursor-picking not reaching the far side of
large terrains
- vtlib: re-worked vtHeightFieldGrid3d::CastRayToSurface
- vtdata: added vtHeightFieldGrid3d::LineOfSight
- Enviro: fixed time dialog to be constrained to the supported range of
- Enviro: added runtime control of terrain vertical exaggeration (with '['
and ']' keys)
- vtlib: added vtTerrain:Get/SetVerticalExag, added runtime exaggeration
support to SRTerrain and SMTerrain
- vtlib: migrated to OSG 0.9.7 (small API changes)
- vtlib: migrated to libMini 5.01
- Enviro: fit top-down camera more tightly to scene, so that culture will
(generally) appear correctly
- Enviro: fix state of navigation engines when toggling top-down view
- Enviro: Added no-blend option to colormap dialog
- Enviro/vtlib: exposed detail texture support to the user, improved
general-purpose detail texture capability
- vtlib: fixed order of default colormap colors
- vtlib: cleanup: made several camera methods const, simplified
DoCull/DoCulling arguments from 3 to 1
- vtlib: worked on detail textures: fixed the patchy detail texture
problem in SMTerrain, made detail texture distance a runtime value
04.08.05 <uploaded>
- VTBuilder: don't ask user for projection when importing SHP with PRJ
- VTBuilder: allow POINTZ in structure import from SHP
- vtlib: fixed memleak on structure instances that fail to construct
- Enviro: re-arranged CLOD controls, disable them as appropriate
- Enviro: chg terrain-specific content from Choice to ComboBox so that the
use can select "none"
- VTBuilder: fixed writing of .vtst.gz files, which in some cases had bad
- vtdata: fixed string mangling in gfprintf with workaround for gzprintf
- VTBuilder/vtdata: changed default material on imported buildings to
Siding, which produces more efficient rendering later
- VTBuilder: fixed support for .prj files associated with .shp files for
Raw layers (when did this break?)
- CManager: fix to scale trackball translation to fit model and not carry
translation between views
- Enviro/vtlib: added support for rails as a road surface type, restored
support for trails and 4wd (two-track)
- finished first stage of work on ColorMap:
- vtdata: added ColorMap class
- vtui: added ColorMapDialog, which includes ability to load and save
ColorMaps from CMT files (.cmt)
- vtlib: chg vtTerrain to use ColorMap
- Enviro: exposed support for ColorMap in Terrain Parameters Dialog
- vtlib: added ability to request true elevation, even when it is
displayed exaggerated, other small improvements to heightfield/CLOD methods
- VTBuilder: change structure import from SHP to always test the
clockwisdom of each imported footprint, rather than asking the user
- sample apps: fixed link warning by removing "Edit&Continue" from
compiler settings
- Enviro: tweaked terrain parameter dialog to expose more detail-texture
- vtlib: checked in RJ's simplification of vtosg's OSG model cache
- vtlib: added vtTerrain:PaintDib to allow terrain subclasses to color the
- vtlib: added Trackball SetTransScale and MoveDirection
- vtlib: doc improvement
- vtlib: added PivotPoint to Trackball
- vtlib: fixed vtGroup::FindDescendantByName to find non-group nodes
- VTBuilder: fixed saving of layers imported from archives
- VTBuilder: fixed loading of projects with layers imported from archives
(June-July: trips to Romania, California and Florida prevent development for
a while)
- Enviro: added display and manual entry of camera coordinates
- some fixes to memory cleanup in the Simple samples
- VTBuilder: fixed support for Lambert projections
- VTBuilder: fixed crash on load of SHP that's missing its DBF
- checked in several Linux/gcc fixed from Brian Mirand
- VTBuilder: expanded RAW elevation import dialog to allow explicit entry
of CRS and extents, removed unsupported options
- VTBuilder: added logging of GDAL's installed drivers at startup
- discovered that GDAL release-DLL had JPEG disabled - why did no GDAL
users report this? re-enabled JPEG, updated public gdal-nt distro
- VTBuilder: fixed bug with project loading: projects with a CRS that
doesn't match the CRS of the first import layer were not re-projecting that
layer correctly
- VTBuilder: fixed projection handling on newly-created Raw layers
- vtlib: significant changes to memory management and model caching, which
fixes issues with deleting/reloading models, re-wrote the whole node loading
code to use our own cache
of loaded models, avoiding all the trouble with OSG's cache
- Enviro: fixed issue with Instance dialog displaying empty content files
- Enviro: implemented background color per terrain, exposed in Terrain
Parameters dialog
- VTBuilder: fixed support for 1-arcsec (~30m) SRTM files
- Enviro/vtlib: integrated very preliminary code for shadow casting from
structures, from Roger James, exposed in Terrain Parameters dialog
- VTBuilder: added 'Cancel' for image resample
- vtdata: further fixes to vtTime handling, should eliminate timezone/DST
04.05.07 <uploaded binaries>
- vtdata: write ElevationOffset for instance structures to VTST
- vtlib: use ElevationOffset for instance structures
- Enviro: fixed bug with fence size being 0 until you create a plant
- Enviro/vtosg: fixed rotation trouble with OSG's model cache by keeping
our own list of what's in the OSG cache
- VTBuilder/vtdata: added support for 3D Linestrings
- Enviro: much implementation work on Layer dialog:
- Selection of layers via layers dialog.
Saving of layers from the layers dialog.
Creation of new structure layers.
Deletion of structure layers.
Change to not create a default structure layer unless the user hasn't
loaded any.
- split DEM and BT aspects of ElevationGridIO into separate files
- fixed memleaks in wxSimple
04.04.28 <uploaded>
- changed each of the simple samples to use .xml instead of .ini file, and
get flight speed correctly from the terrain parameters
- after several attempts, managed to build JPEG support into GDAL; it
required rebuilding libjpeg into separate Debug and Release libraries in
order to avoid mysterious runtime stdlib crashes
- changed link options on all projects from 'jpeg.lib' to the more
standard 'libjpeg.lib'
- more fixes to locale sensitivity, in Content files and wire positions
- enviro/vtlib: exposed CatenaryFactor in Enviro.ini
- numerous changes to allow extensibility of utility structures:
- vtlib: moved Utility Structure functionality from Route to
- Enviro: chg UtilDlg to use global content manager for utility structures
- vtlib: get wire info from .vtco, rather than .wire files
- vtlib: added vtGetTS, vtGetDataPath(), vtGetContent() to centralize
globals onto a singleton of vtTerrainScene, rather than statics on vtTerrain
- vtlib: simplified vtContentManager to not store paths, remove extra
scaling transform when it's not needed
- vtlib: don't try to load content file if none specified
- CManager: fixed annoying refresh on every item/model select
- finished work on storing bounds for content items
- Our CVS server at remotesensing.org has been down quite a bit
recently; it's up today so i managed to check in bunch of work from the past
several days:
- vtlib: removed all attempts to fix model axes with extension tests and
rotation, by centralizing it in vtNode::LoadModel
- Enviro/vtlib: gave each Terrain its own ContentManager
- VTBuilder/CManager/vtlib: compute and store bounds for content items,
store item pointer with each structure instance
- vtdata: added wildcard vtString::Matches
- moved Offset from vtStructureLayer to vtStructureArray
- vtdata: added some FRECT methods
- Enviro: implemented construction of structure instances from content
- Enviro: added global content file support
- vtui: reworked instance dialog to use externally-supplied content
- CManager: exposed export to OSG
- CManager: fixed crash on exit with Esc key
- Enviro: integrated structure layer change from RJ
- VTBuilder/vtdata: added export to STM
- VTBuilder: moved all the elevation exports (now 4) to a single menu with
a pop-up for export type
- VTBuilder: more work on enabling Instance dialog
- pondered the thorny problem of how and where to expose content file
support, how Instance dialog should appear, began adding add-instance
support to VTBuilder
- VTBuilder: fix WIN32 bug with saving layers that were imported from
directories, i.e. TIGER
- fixed a couple small gcc issues for Linux
- Enviro: added global content file control to startup dialog
- brought down OSG nightly snapshot, called it OSG 0.9.6-3, chg all
projects to use it - note that this isn't an official OSG release, as their
last release was last October
- vtdata: incorporated small DTED reader changes from Sam Kramer
- VTBuilder: fixed import of buildings from SHP to accept POLYGONZ
- VTBuilder: fixed import of buildings from SHP to respect default
building attributes
- VTBuilder: finished first-pass implementation of Area Tool TerraServer
dialog to request images directly via HTTP to local files, including caching
and stitching
- Enviro: fixed flip-footprint popup menu
- Enviro: fixed issue with cast shadows where texels exceed heixels
- Enviro: fixed TParamDlg behavior which could result in losing user GUI
- VTBuilder: fixed bug with reprojecting elevation layers more than once
- Enviro: fixed hue/placement of skydome textures by refreshing display
list after setting UV
- vtdata: fixed gcc issue with Dxfparser
- Enviro: added redirection for wxWindows log events to VTLOG
- i18n: Portuguese update, new German and UK English
- vtui: addressed issues with widths of controls in building dialog with
translated text
04.03.20 <uploaded>
- Enviro/vtlib: fixed add/remove of artificial foundations (actually all
reconstruction) to not always turn on the selection sphere
- BExtractor: fixed roof geometry of created buildings
- BExtractor: added progress dialog during final, long phase of building
extraction (a requested feature since 1998!!)
- vtdata: fixed a small memleak in vtProjection
- vtdata: vtBuilding: fixed new roofs to always copy the footprint of the
floor below them, fixed SetCircle for round buildings
- vtdata: fixed dot-product shading to have a more reasonable ambient
- vtui: fixed Building dialog to be robust about badly-formed buildings
with levels with no edges
- Enviro: various i18n fixes, including exposing more text
- Enviro: exposed display and setting of full initial date/time in terrain
parameters dialog
- Enviro: added doc for keyboard navigation
- Enviro: fixed handling of UTF8 strings in Terrain parameters - beware,
since previous versions handled strings incorrectly, use of non-ASCII
characters may break when using old Terrain files with new code, or vice
- Enviro: app: don't refresh app-internal terrain list if we bypass the
startup list, speeding startup
- Enviro: fixed locale issues with restoring saved Locations
- Enviro: fixed all memleaks with utility poles
- Enviro/vtlib: fixed loading of OBJ models with European locale
- vtlib: fixed 'missing elevation' error message
- vtlib: when getting filename or paths from TParams, convert UTF8 to
Ansi, to support non-ASCII character in these strings
- vtlib: fixed all remaining memleaks in vtTin3d
- vtlib: made vtLocationSaver more efficient by creating CRS conversions
only once
- vtlib: fixed RemoveMesh() to free meshes when they're no longer used
- vtdata: improved DEM reader to catch and fail correctly when CRS
construction fails
- finished a stage of work on Sky improvements, with changes across all
libraries and apps
- VTBuilder: support for saving directly to .vtst.gz files
- Enviro: chg Enviro to subclass, rather than contain, vtTerrainScene
- Enviro: exposed support for toggling sky markers
- Enviro: enabled speedup/stop buttons for terrain view
- Enviro: created new 'time' toolbar button for time dialog
- vtlib: vtTerrainScene: major changes: moved all destruction to
CleanupScene, changed how and when skydome and terrain are synchronized,
moved CreateScene up from Terrain to BuildTerrain
- vtlib: Terrain: changed shading to use sun direction instead of time
- sdlSimple: added cleanup of all memory on exit
- vtlib: vtTerrainScene: pass real time to skydome
- vtlib: vtosg: made AddLine behave correctly for line or LINE_STRIP
- vtlib: added support for disabling mipmaps on imported models
- vtlib: added Distance_Tool_Height to the Terrain XML file
- VTBuilder: fix clockwisdom of triangles on TIN import
- VTBuilder: with TINs, fixed Z value bug on vertex merge
- Enviro: Improved responsiveness of navigation on slow framerates by
keeping track of Consecutive Mousemoves in vtGLCanvas
- vtlib: provide fast access to OSG's bounding box with
- vtlib: more improvement of TIN raycasting speed by using
RaySphereIntersection to rapidly cull TIN sections
- vtdata: more Locale wrapping for Projection class
- vtlib: Began re-write of skydome to use correct Sun angle, merged
vtSkyDome and vtDayDome classes
- Enviro: chg to the "Refresh on Idle" approach to continuous rendering
- produced a GDAL 1.2.0 binary release, chg all projects to use it
- vtlib: fixed issues with vtNode vs. vtNodeBase
- Enviro: tuned sizes of controls in Startup, TParams, and Locations
dialogs to fit non-English text better
- vtdata: added support for importing TINs from DXF 3DFACEs
- VTBuilder: exposed import of Elevation from DXF
- vtlib: rotate models with FLT extensions
- vtdata: made reader more robust for GLOBE and similar .hdr/.bin files
- vtlib: fixes to vtTin3d geometry construction
- vtlib: vtTerrain: added more logging, Empty Extents message
- Enviro: exposed terrain reshading as command on Terrain menu
- vtlib: fix update of sky color moving abruptly in/out of dawn/dusk in
- vtdata: detect and handle case of upward-pointing light on shadow cast
- small gcc fixes for Linux
- vtdata: fixed additional European locale problems with Plants and Routes
- Enviro: added Time Dialog
- VTBuilder: added 'Direction' to VTBuilder cast shading
- VTBuilder: fixed zoom-in and zoom-out keyboard accelerators
- Enviro: added toggling of structure layers in layer dialog (Mark Baily)
- vtdata: wrote LocaleWrap class to avoid trouble with European locales
where "." and "," are switched in numbers
- Enviro: fixed frame menu updating bug
- VTBuilder: fixed bug in update of dirty flag on set-CRS of raw layers
- vtlib: added messy, preliminary implementation for vtSprite
04.02.27 <uploaded>
- Enviro: fixed one of the oldest known bugs: "if the user specifies a BT
of an unsupported size, the warning message doesn't fit entirely in the
status bar"
- made reading of VF files more robust, warning instead of crashing on
bogus input
- vtlib: improved stability on bad and missing plants
- Enviro: fixed spacebar toggle between select and navigate
- fixed handing of XML-special characters in TagArray XML output (includes
terrain .xml)
- Enviro: change to Delete, rather than warn, about old .ini files
- Enviro: fixed bug with planting trees on terrains with Geographic CRS
- vtdata: in the shadow casting code, solved the mystery of the flipped Z,
corrected it
- Enviro: fixed UTF8 characters in status bar in earth view
- vtdata: cranked up precision digits for degree coordinates in VTST files
to 9
- VTBuilder/vtdata: fixed export of elevation to GeoTIFF (was flipped)
- Enviro: exposed TextureCompression in startup dialog
- Enviro/vtdata: Changed the Terrain Parameters to be stored in .xml files
rather than .ini
- Enviro: fixed crash on exit via Esc key
- Enviro: fixed bugs with planting trees and culture
- Enviro: For faster loading, postpone loading the plant textures until we
encounter a terrain that needs them or until we open the plants dialog.
- Enviro: change to use .xml, instead of .ini, to store Terrain
04.02.24 <uploaded>
- VTBuilder: moved many options to the newly expanded View Options dialog,
including new exposure of shadow casting as a shading option, with sun angle
- moved up to GDAL 1.2.0-a (fixes a memleak in loading loading ESRI .prj)
- vtdata/vtlib: integrated Kevin Behilo's second cast-shadow submission
- Enviro: exposed cast-shadows under Textures in Terrain Properties dialog
- vtdata: to allow runtime shadow casting, moved ColorDibFromElevation,
ShadeDibFromElevation, ShadowCastDib, GetElevation, GetWorldLocation,
GetDimensions up to vtHeightFieldGrid3d
- rewrote Time functionality, introduced vtTime class, changed vtTerrain
to use it for sun angle
- vtlib: cleaned up Label code, fixed to use style elevation even in 2D
- VTBuilder: fixed export of Elev to BMP (fixed update of Elev ranges on
fill or scale operations)
- Enviro: improved picking of objects in scenes with Geographic
coordinates (by estimating epsilon from SelectionCutoff)
- Enviro: Fixed small bug with plant dialog changing selected plants at
the wrong time
- created 'VTConvert' command-line tool for Matt Wilkie
- re-enabled tooltips by rebuilding wxWindows, but the 3D apps are still
not showing their tooltips
- Enviro: Added status bar toggle
- vtdata: more re-architecture: chg vtPlantInstanceArray to inherit from
vtFeatureSetPoint2D, added FT_Short as a field type
- changed all the Tree code in vtlib and Enviro to deal with the new
- VTBuilder: greatly expanded Vegetation Distribution dialog, although
many fields aren't enabled yet
- VTBuilder: improved veg distro results to not display biotypes with 0
- VTBuilder: added zoom to current layer
- VTBuilder: added option to resample elevation directly to new layer
- VTBuilder: added store of biotypes input file to project files
- VTBuilder: began adding style info to Raw layers
- Massive re-architecture of the GIS classes: vtFeatures becomes
vtFeatureSet with 4 derived classes by geometry type, proper handling of
Polygons with holes,
- VTBuilder: large changes to match re-architecture: chg vtVegLayer to
simply build off of vtRawLayer instead of re-implementing all the polygon
functionality, rearchitected vtRawLayer to exploit vtFeatureSet by
- VTBuilder: made Layer Properties dialog resizable
- Enviro: as a result of the above, polygon data now displays (unfilled)
correctly in Earth View
- Enviro: added option to accelerate navigation speed by height above
terrain, added Accel flag to startup and camera dialogs
- first integration of Kevin Behilo's shadow casting code
- vtlib: added support for storing key state
- vtlib: added key navigation to vtFlyer
- VTBuilder: exposed preliminary support for Dymaxion projection (one way
- vtdata: chg from using Shapelib type for geom type to using OGR's type
- more gcc fixes
- Enviro: Reset terrain distance tool on first click (to make it easy to
- xmlhelper: added transparent support for reading from gzipped files
(Roger James)
This enables reading from, for example, .vtst.gz wherever .vtst is supported
- vtdata: fixed support for ASC files by switching from GDAL to our our
native reader
- vtdata: filled some holes in the vtString class
- fixes to string handling for gcc
04.01.08 <uploaded>
- VTBuilder: changed sampling of elevation layers to use the same order as
they are drawn, and updated docs to describe this
- VTBuilder: re-wrote ancient Plants dialog, expanded vegetation docs,
fixed lots of stuff in Vegetation support
- fixed species name matching on biotypes to ignore spaces in common names
- VTBuilder: fixed off-by-one error which was producing incorrect Dymaxion
- Enviro: improved building material load time (from e.g. 3.672 to 0.125
- Enviro: improved documentation, replaced usage of "Trees" with more
correct "Plants"