How to use MultiSpec to Combine Satellite Image Bands into an RGB Image

I am not an experienced user of this program, but after reading the manual an experimenting, i found the following which seems to work:

  1. Load the image which contains the first band, e.g. "z17_nn10.tif"
  2. Press "OK" to any dialogs which appear
  3. Command "File: Open Image"
  4. In the Open dialog:
  5. All three bands are now loaded, but not yet drawn as merged.
    Command "Processor: Display Image"
  6. In the Channels section put "1 2 3" or "3 2 1" depending on how you want the bands interpreted.
  7. Press OK, and OK again for the histogram computation
  8. You should now be looking at a full-color image.
    Select the area you're interested in by dragging a box with the mouse.
  9. Command "File: Save Image Selection to GeoTIFF"
    Give your output file a name, and you're done.