Island of Maui
- General Data: USGS Hawai'i
Clearinghouse: Maui Data
- area is ~70*45km = 8.5*5.5m grid at 8K*8K
- 10m DEMs are available from USGS, 18 files to cover the island
- all but eastern tip in UTM zone 4, Hana in zone 5
- some Maui DRGs are online on the SOEST site:
Island DRG
- SOEST has Shoreline
Imagery and Data for Maui
- however, the files are troublesome - the JPEGs lack CRS info, and the
TIFs appear to be badly formed output from PhotoShop7?
- history: in 1995, Paul Hugel did a low-res VRML Maui
- old aerials exist: greyscale OrthoQuads
from 1977-1978
- LandSat7 data is pretty good, a couple of scenes could be stitched together
for a fairly cloud-free image:

- 00.08.04 extracted a BT of area (738555.0, 2277046.8), (76283.1, 51414.6),
put on BT page
- 00.09.12 received a 50m subsample showing the color quality possible with
LandSat7 - it is excellent:
- my friend Jack's house: latlon (20.7699 -156.31827), UTM4 (779210, 2299000),
USGS quad 'kilohana'
- MODIS image is unfortunately too small at 250m: