Islands of Kaho‘olawe, Lana‘i, Moloka‘i, Ni‘ihau
- General Data: USGS
Hawai'i Clearinghouse: Kaho‘olawe Data
- area extents are around 17.6 * 11.6 km
- extracted a 2k*2k BT from 10m DEM, added it to the
BT repository
- from the same LandSat7 delivery that we used for the Big Island, there is
a rather cloudy image of Kaho‘olawe:
- 2002.06, i used PhotoShop to remove the clouds as well as i could and align
it to the extracted BT
- the result is kaho_2048.jpg,
suitable for draping in Enviro:
- SOEST has
Imagery and Data for Kaho‘olawe
- Almost covers the island, leaving just a triangle in the
middle. It might be possible to put together a good aerial coverage for
the island using these, using the Emerge aerial to fill in the area in
the middle?
- Tried this January 2006, and found that
there is still a rectangular gap with no aerial coverage, snapshot:

- islands extents are approx. 20.8 * 27.7 km
- General Data: USGS
Hawai'i Clearinghouse: Ni‘ihau Data
- NOAA aerials

- at 85cm, imagery covers an area of around 24470 * 32588 pixels
- image extents are (370826.7, 2408667.9), ( 21093.6, 27958.2)
- January 2005, i produced a cleaned-up edit of this imagery, resampled
at 1.7m (12409 * 16446) with the colors balanced and
other artifacts removed
- a subsample (4k*4k) of the cleaned-up image is now in the
- Scott Armstrong's
Photoreal Scenery in MSFS 2004 format (now offline?)
- built from 10m DEM and NOAA aerials
- it's really quite beautiful
- license: freeware, but limited distribution (only