vtdata library
This is the complete list of members for vtProjection, including all inherited members.
GeodesicDistance(const DPoint2 &in, const DPoint2 &out, bool bQuick=false) | vtProjection | static |
GetDatum() const | vtProjection | |
GetProjectionName() const | vtProjection | |
GetProjectionNameShort() const | vtProjection | |
GetTextDescription(char *type, char *value) const | vtProjection | |
GetUnits() const | vtProjection | |
GetUTMZone() const | vtProjection | |
GuessEPSGCode() const | vtProjection | |
IsDymaxion() const (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection | inline |
LogDescription() const (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection | protected |
m_bDymaxion (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection | protected |
operator!=(const vtProjection &ref) const | vtProjection | |
operator=(const vtProjection &ref) | vtProjection | |
operator==(const vtProjection &ref) const | vtProjection | |
ReadProjFile(const char *filename) | vtProjection | |
SetDatum(int iDatum) | vtProjection | |
SetDymaxion(bool bTrue) (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection | inline |
SetGeogCSFromDatum(int iDatum) | vtProjection | |
SetProjectionSimple(bool bUTM, int iUTMZone, int iDatum) | vtProjection | |
SetSpatialReference(OGRSpatialReference *pRef) | vtProjection | |
SetTextDescription(const char *type, const char *value) | vtProjection | |
SetUTMZone(int iZone) | vtProjection | |
vtProjection() (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection | |
WriteProjFile(const char *filename) const | vtProjection | |
~vtProjection() (defined in vtProjection) | vtProjection |