Buildings and Cities: Academic Papers and Projects
Procedural Modeling of Buildings, Müller, Wonka, et al 2006
- Builds on their previous papers, describes "CGA shape, a novel shape
grammar for the procedural modeling of CG architecture"
- This is the algorithm used in the impressive commercial product
CityEngine, so while it is very
kind of them to publish many details of their approach in an academic
style, the actual implementation is inaccessible (proprietary)
- Generative Mesh Modeling,
Sven Havemann, 2005
- A massive thesis document (300 pages!) covering the entire field of
procedural modelling, which includes a description of the origins and implementation
of the Generative Modeling
Language, which has many application including buildings and other architectural
- Geo Dec (Geospatial
Decision Making), 2005-2006

- Interdisciplinary project at IMSC (USC, Los Angeles) which combines
research in rapid 3D model construction from photographs, texture mapping
from video fusion, integration of vector and imagery data, depiction of
live dynamic data, and 3D user interface.
- They are funded extend their interactive 3D tools to downtown Los Angeles,
to depict the area as it now exists and to support planning of the proposed
$1.8 billion redevelopment.
- the main researches have done mostly 2D work in the past, e.g.:
– A new progressive and hierarchical representation for network-based navigation
in urban environments, J. Royan et al., 2005
- an interesting paper which proposes an LOD structure for extruded building
- a city, composed of 2.5D footprints with height, is preprocessed into
a compact, hierarchical representation so that they can be progressively
streamed over the internet to a realtime city viewer and rendered efficiently
Automated Method for Large-Scale, Ground-Based City Model Acquisition,
C. Früh & A. Zakhor, 2004
- Extracting textured building facades from a laser scanner mounted on
the side of a vehicle. Interestingly, the vehicle itself doesn't need
tracking, its location can be derived from the laser scanned points.
- There are lots of issues with trees, empty lots and so forth, for which
the authors propose various solutions
Instant Architecture, Wonka et al. 2003
- describes an approach called a "split grammar" for procedural representation
of buildings
- The authors implemented their grammar and created an example database
consisting of about 250 rules and 40 attributes. The grammar comprises 10
basic shapes, 3 out of which (cuboid, cylinder and prism) have split rules
- No known public implementation. Since the description is highly
mathematically abstract and lacking description of the rules themselves,
this paper seems of little use by itself.
Automatic Generation of City Models and Related Applications, Y. Takase
et al., 2003
- not exactly academic; gives a nicely illustrated overview of the commercial
product MapCube
Procedural Modeling
of Cities (pdf), Y. I. H. Parish, P. Müller: Siggraph 2001
Different Manhattan Project, Chee Yap, Courant Institute, 2001
- paper describing tools for automatic generation of a large city ("Manhattan
like") based on statistical parameters
- academic paper with 5 co-authors is on their
publications page
- Rapid
Procedural-Modelling of Architectural Structures (pdf), 2001
- P.J. Birch, S. P. Browne, et. al., in VAST2001 Proceedings, Virtual
Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- good paper on procedural modelling of buildings, with an emphasis on
generating large numbers of believable buildings in a particular "style"
- part of the European CHARISMATIC Project [2000-2002]
Towards fully automatic generation of city models (pdf), C. Brenner,
July 2000
- main focus is constructing roofs from ground plans, given knowledge
from a hi-resolution DSM (elevation points)
- the do a lot of sophisticated extensions of the straight skeleton algorithm
VRVis research center in Vienna, Austria
includes a
3D City Modeling project. Research areas:
- Photorealistic 3D City Model (from existing GIS data)
- Semi-automatic Georeferencing of Image Sequences
- Feature based Modeling of Facades
- the Swiss group Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing IGP-ETHZ has done a lot of work on automatic recognition
of large number of buildings from a point cloud
- the Institute for
Photogrammetry at the University of Stuttgart is also active in this area
extraction of buildings based on hybrid adjustment using 3D surface models and
management of building data in a TIS, Franz Rottensteiner, Institute
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna University of Technology, 2001
- contains a large review of the literature on building extraction
- gives some details of their ORIENT/ORPHEUS system